I Can’t JavaScript, and So Can You!

I have a confession: I’m not that good at JavaScript. If JavaScript is the zombie apocalypse, I’m the person stumbling backwards, sweating, running low on ammo, but who somehow manages to make it to the CDC without being infected. My goal isn’t to make you a hardened script-slinging sharpshooter — I just want you to to survive.

Mark Jaquith

Mark Jaquith has been working with and contributing to WordPress since 2004. He is one of the lead developers of the WordPress core and offers freelance WordPress consulting services through Covered Web Services with a focus on scaling, security, and custom functionality. Mark likes patches that have more red than green, and his favorite WordPress features are the ones that you’re not even aware of. He eagerly looks forward to shooting down your feature suggestions with, “No, but it would make a great plugin!”